The Electronic Version of The Ionian Psalter is protected under international copyright law. Usage of this material other than as provided for here is prohibited without prior written consent of IONIAN ARTS, Inc. Contact information appears below.
As of January 1, 2021, you must report all usage of material through our licensing partner ONE LICENSE. Depending on the type of license you hold, you must report inclusion of congregational refrains in service leaflets and or transmission of music via livestream, podcast, or pre-recorded audio/video. When searching for psalms from The Ionian Psalter in ONE LICENSE’s database, enter the composer, psalm and number, and the first few words of the congregational antiphon. For example, entering “Hallock Psalm 148 Sing to the Lord” will yield the correct psalm setting to report for the version of Psalm 148 in this collection.
Required ONE LICENSE copyright notice
The following notice MUST appear directly below congregational antiphons (whether re-engraved or scanned) and included in printed or downloadable service bulletins, and with any livestream, podcast, or pre-recorded audio/video:
Psalm #:V-V by Peter R. Hallock (1924-2014)
From The Ionian Psalter, Electronic Version
Copyright © 2007 IONIAN ARTS, Inc. • Used by permission.
ONE LICENSE No. X-#######.
For those who purchased The Ionian Psalter prior to December 31, 2020, and who do not hold an active ONE LICENSE, the following notice MUST appear on the first page of all printed material from the Electronic version, and below any antiphons re-engraved or scanned and included in printed or downloadable service bulletins:
Psalm #:V-V by Peter R. Hallock (1924-2014)
From The Ionian Psalter, Electronic Version
Copyright © 2007 IONIAN ARTS, Inc. • Reprinted with permission.
The purchaser:
- Must report all usage—including reprint and podcast/livestream—in a timely manner through ONE LICENSE.
- May print congregational refrains or inserts in service leaflets as needed, provided the required copyright notice is included and reprint usage is reported through ONE LICENSE.
- May print out antiphon organ accompaniment files as needed. You may assemble a “Book of Antiphon Accompaniments” for your own use if this will be of assistance.
- May print out choral settings of the psalms for distribution to choristers. See General Information for instructions on local adaptations.
Under no circumstance is the purchaser of the Electronic Version allowed to sell any of the material to another party for use. The material provided here is for the exclusive use of the purchasing institution.
This page updated August 19, 2021.